How To Properly Wear The Three Gold Colors
The tree gold colors - yellow, white & pink (or rose gold) can easily be worn together and will always look very fashionable.
In the past (– except for the 80ies) you would ONLY wear one gold color at a time: Yellow gold earrings with a yellow gold bracelet and a yellow gold necklace. A yellow gold ring …. well, all yellow, there you have it! After it came out of style in the mid 90ies, you would never, ever, EVER (tststs!) mix the three colors; so gauche, unsophisticated and a definite No-No!
But, as always, times change – how wonderful – and we are back mixing and matching our three colors!
Now, how do we properly do that?
Well, there is one rule to follow to make it right: ALWAYS put the white gold piece in the middle. Separate the yellow from the pink gold. Yellow and pink gold are too similar and need to be separated by white in order to stand out and shine. Using this rule, you will see the very cool difference in the way it looks right away. The three golds will shine, all on their own and in synergy with each other. Et Voila!
PS: If you want another tip on how to store your jewelry just click here!